Allen Sunshine tells the story of a former music mogul who retreats to an isolated lakeside home to grieve his famous wife’s suicide. He copes by composing ambient-electronic music and nurturing an un...
Sent to spend the summer on a remote and mysterious island, teenage brothers embark on a thrilling treasure hunt to restore their family's lost fortune人生就像一场电影,我们都是主角,也是配角,演绎着自己的精彩人生。...
在破碎家庭中长大、拥有极高舞蹈天分的年轻人奇普(瑞恩‧史提尔 Ryan Steele 饰),刚满18岁便独自奔赴纽约,在SOHO区一家舞团学习跳舞,追逐自己现代舞的梦想。身无分文的他每晚只能偷偷留宿舞池,直到某天清晨被女舞伴凯蒂(凯瑟琳‧米勒 Catherine Mi ller 饰)发现。凯蒂像大姐姐一样收留了奇普,然而奇普并没有过几天平静的生活。日夜陪伴练舞的英俊舞者西奥(里德‧路普劳 Re...