When an image-conscious wild child takes a strange new drug at a party, she undergoes a shocking transformation. Desperate to reverse the effects of the drug, she is horrified to discover that she has...
This feature-length documentary tells of the rise and fall of the Black Panther Party, one of the 20th century’s most alluring and controversial organizations that captivated the world’s attention for...
梦想的路上,总会有风雨,但只要心中有光,就能照亮前行的路。At a fashionable dinner party in Hong Kong a naval officer is coaxed into revealing details of a dream in which eight persons take off from Bangkok in a Dakota bound for T...
短片改编。 Ready for a night of partying, a group of Black and Latino college students must weigh the pros and cons of calling the police when faced with an emergency爱情不是寻找共同点,而是学会尊重彼此的不同。...
When Pete and Omar lose their beloved Gran they go in search of Omar's estranged father, confronting him on the day of his daughters engagement party在这个世界上,只有一种英雄主义,那就是在认清生活真相之后依然热爱生活。...