From the producers of 'Class of 92', Busby combines previously unseen archive footage with interviews with those who knew the man best勇者无惧,智者无忧,仁者无敌。...
1760年的利物浦码头,科林斯夫妇正带着年幼的巴纳巴斯登上开往新大陆的船,前去扩张科林斯家族帝在这个世界上,只有一种英雄主义,那就是在认清生活真相之后依然热爱生活。。16年后,巴纳巴斯(约翰尼·德普 Johnny Depp 饰)长大成人,继承了家族产业,坐拥科林伍德庄园。女巫安琪莉可(伊娃·格林 Eva Green 饰)投怀送抱,而巴纳巴斯却心系善良姑娘乔赛特(贝拉·希思科特 Bella Heat...
A most pleasingly atmospheric rendition of the tale, noirishly photographed and moodily set, this is the version which probably would have delighted Conan Doyle the most. There is one important plot...
Sir Charles Baskerville dies at the entrance of his manor, and Doctor Mortimer says he died of natural causes. However, when telling Sherlock Holmes of the case, he feels Sir Charles' death was ...